Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Treating Swine Flu That Has Taken Days to Appear

By Madeleine Innocent

Swine flu, just like any flu, can start quite suddenly, or it can take days to manifest. You know you're going down with something, but the symptoms are a bit vague, initially. Maybe a scratchy throat. What is known as a slow onset cold or flu.
One of the worse things about a bad cold or flu is how debilitated you can feel. Sniveling noses, sneezing, a bunged up feeling I can cope with. But that weariness, the effort needed to do the smallest task, that's what gets me. And it often grinds on for days or even weeks. And they are frequently recurring.
The homeopathic remedy Gelsemium is one of the best remedies for this type of flu, swine flu or cold.
One of the main differences between a cold and a flu, including swine flu, is with flu the body has aches and pains.
That and a fever.

Gelsemium has muscle aches and fever. So it's more of a flu remedy. But it's still a great remedy in the early stages of a cold.
The most important symptoms are the heaviness and the weakness The body just feels too heavy to carry around, You need to sit down frequently, or preferably, lie down. People needing Gelsemium don't want to do anything. Even thinking makes you more tired.
Your legs don't work properly. Your head feels too heavy to lift up. Even your eyelids are too heavy to keep open, as if in a coma or overdosed on drugs.
Sometimes your tongue feels too heavy to speak...
And your weariness. There's just no energy. It's as if someone pulled a plug from the bottom of your heel and all the energy drained away.
The only thing that seems even remotely possible is sleep, the drowsiness is overwhelming. But sleep doesn't come.
The characteristics of a Gelsemium fever has chills running up and down your spine. Trembling and shaking are normally part of your fever but can occur independent of it.
Then there's the headaches. Gelsemium headaches, or even migraines, often start in your neck and radiate to your forehead. A quirky keynote of these headaches are they feel better after urination. We all feel better after urination, especially that full feeling in the abdomen, but a headache? That's quirky!
This can look a serious picture. It's no wonder it's a great remedy for flu, swine flu, any serious flu.
I just love the quirkiness of homeopathic remedies! That's what brings them alive for me. And quirky things are easy to remember because they make you smile. Well, they make me smile, anyway.
If you need Gelsemium you are invariably thirstless Just not interested in any form of liquid or anything else for that matter. No food, no drink, no company, no activity. Desire to sleep but can't.
There are a lot of eye symptoms with Gelsemium too, mainly blurred or double vision.
Mononucleosis symptoms are very like flu symptoms except they have swollen glands and last longer. Gelsemium is great for that too, as long as the symptoms match.
The keynotes of Gelsemium are the d's:
  • dull - apathetic
  • drowsy - no energy, sleepy, exhausted
  • dazed - can't think, answers slowly
  • dim - blurred vision, can't think, foggy
  • droopy - everything droops, including eyelids, heaviness
  • dizzy - the world spins
  • depressed emotions, dumb - wants to be left alone
  • diplopia - double vision often with the headache
  • worse for dampness
Other important keynotes are:
  • thirstless
  • chills especially up an down your spine
  • trembling, shaking
  • desire to be left alone
  • desire for fresh air
Like all effective homeopathic remedies, Gelsemium will raise your immune system, so you can cure you. So arm yourself with this remedy in preparation, just in case you get a dose of the seasonal flu, swine flu, whatever flu.
Written by Madeleine Innocent
Do you want to learn more about natural health, in particular homeopathy? Check out my free ebook An Introduction to Some Common Homeopathic Remedies, by clicking on the website link below.

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