Monday, October 5, 2009

Flu Symptoms In Children: How to Treat Flu Symptoms Naturally

If you're one of the many people who have had the flu then you know how horrible the symptoms can be. Your body aches, you're tired, you have a fever, you can't stop coughing, your throat is sore, your nose is runny... The list goes on. However, there are some ways to treat flu symptoms naturally.

Step 1
Take Influenzinum at the first sign of flu symptoms. Influenzinum is a homeopathic medication used to prevent the flu, but it can also reduce flu symptoms. When taken for symptoms you should dissolve three tablets under your tongue as often as every four hours until the flu symptoms are gone. Influenzinum is completely safe for anyone of any age, and there are no side effects associated with it.

Step 2
Echinacea supplement
Take Echinacea and a natural vitamin supplement to boost your immune system. Echinacea is a flowering herb plant and when taken as a supplement it helps activate he part of your immune system that fights viruses and bacteria infections. You can take Echinacea in many forms including as a tea or as a liquid. When taken as a liquid you should put enough drops on your tongue that it just feels slightly numb.

Step 3
Eat garlic and onions
Get plenty of rest, eat well, and drink water. Since the flu is a virus it does need to run its course, but by taking extra care of your body you can reduce the length of the flu symptoms. Chicken broth made with plenty of onions and garlic is very nourishing and healing, it also helps open up you airway that may be clogged.

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