Friday, August 7, 2009

Do You Need The Swine Flu Vaccine? Find Out!

To effectively and safely prevent the spread of swine influenza, governments have found it necessary to work hand in hand with companies manufacturing towards the production of effective vaccines. This step is taken to limit the impact of the current swine flu virus. Several swine flu vaccines have already been produced and are entering the human testing phase.
Assuming the swine flu vaccine is widely available how do you decide if you need the swine flu vaccine?

Step 1

A swine flu immunization program is being developed by each state in the United Stateswith assistance from the CDC and World Health Organization . If the flu vaccine is safe, effective and available, certain priority groups would be given at greatest risk of catching swine flu as well as developing the complications associated with the infection. Should there be an abundant supply of the swine flu vaccine then all non-elderly adults would be encouraged to get vaccinated.

Step 2
Children And Teens Need The Swine Flu Vaccine

Children and teens age six months to 18 years seem to be the most susceptible for contracting the current strain of swine flu. This may be due to older adults having some degree of immunity to the current swine flu infection from previous viral infections. Children have had the highest swine flu infection rate and also serve as a major source of transmission to family members, caretakers and the community.

Step 3
Health Care Workers Need The Swine Flu Vaccine

Health care workers will be a priority group since they are on the front line of the swine flu battle on a daily basis. Keeping health care workers healthy and preventing them from spreading swine flu to others is essential in preventing the swine flu pandemic from worsening.

Step 4
Pregnant Women Need The Swine Flu Vaccine

It's uncertain if pregnant women are more likely to catch swine flu; however, they are four times as likely to be hospitalized with the medical complications of swine flu than other people with the virus. This is probably because pregnancy compromises a woman's immune system making it more difficult to successfully combat an infection. No information is currently available about the effect of swine flu infection on the developing fetus.

Step 5
Individuals With Chronic Illnesses Need The Swine Flu Vaccine

Individuals with certain chronic medical problems are at much greater risk for developing the serious medical complications associated with swine flu infection. These medical problems include diabetes, chronic heart and lung diseases, hemoglobinopathies (such as sickle cell anemia), kidney disorders and most cancers

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